Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pirate Ninja


"How old you is?"

An unforgettable conversation with a 5-year-old Head Start boy:

Waiting for the children to line up after Story Hour at the library, children were looking at my necklace.

Me: "You like my necklace?"
Them: "OH yes."
"Do you know where I got it? I MADE it. Do you like to make things?"
5-year-old: "How old you is?"
Me: "Guess. I'm pretty old."
Him: "You is seven."
Me: "You're close. You going to make me something for my birthday? It's in the summer."
Him: "Turn to the side. Let me see your size."
I turn sideways one way, the other.  "Is that good? What are you going to make me?"
Him: "I'm going to make you a dress."
Me: "All right! I can't wait!"

Fantastic day as a Youth Librarian.