Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Old Ladies and Road-Side Rednecks

This summer, along with this entire year, have been filled with classes for a Master's degree, visits to parents, a reunion, a wedding, and short weekend trips. My wonderful partner, Mark, has filled my life with joy in everything that we do together. Being so busy, I constantly battle myself in accepting such happiness. It amazes me how I am unable to finally accept peace and unconditional love from another human, but it doesn't come easy when it has been absent from my life until now.

To lighten my load a bit, God has placed random people and events in my life to bring a smile to my face--often a belly laugh--to remind me to lighten up and enjoy every moment that He gives me. Driving home after work one day, I saw an old lady crossing the street to check the mail with a head full of curlers, a cigarette hanging out of the side of her mouth, with black socks on and pink slippers. I haven't seen (or used) curlers like that since I was about 10-years-old. She amazed me.

While driving out of town Friday, Mark and I passed a guy walking along the side of the road in jean shorts. Yes, jean shorts are still here. Can we blame the recession for this? But even better, or maybe worse, is that they had holes in the them where the pockets were falling out with threads hanging from the bottom. And beneath those jeans shorts were black spandex...maybe out of courtesy to onlookers due to all the holes in the jean shorts. Completely awesome. Long socks with sneakers and a trucker's hat to top it all off. This wasn't a hipster trying to look the part; this guy was for real.

I add these two to my growing mental compartment of found art that I am horrified by yet at the same time greatly appreciate. I honeslty don't know the last time I thanked God for old ladies and road-side rednecks.

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