Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mark's Dad and Technology...

My lovely fiancee's hobby is exploring the seemingly endless possibilities of the iPhone...and convincing his father that Mac's and iPhones are second to none. It's my favorite past time to watch this debate go down. The instructional video is for Mark's Dad, who apparently decided to buy the Verizon Wireless Droid because the salesman Googled "How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck?" with his voice and Wikipedia pulled up the info for him. Mark was in disbelief that this was the convincing factor that his father needed to decide upon buying a Droid. Mark's response was to show his Dad that he too could Google "How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck?" with the iPhone and come up with the same response. Take that, Droid.

My other favorite past time is watching Mark try and teach his Dad how to use the chat feature with Google. Just tonight we were talking with his parents and they couldn't find the video chat window, which apparently was hidden behind another window on his screen. I have included the previous chat with Mark, who is "me," and his Dad, who is "Mom." The best part about this chat is that Mark's Dad lost sound--apparently his microphone quite working (yet another reason to buy a Mac)--and the video chat conversation resorted to Mark's Dad responding with nodding yes or no. I was laughing so hard at work tears were rolling down my face.

10:05 AM
me: you there?
10:06 AM
you there?
10:07 AM
Mom: good morning
10:09 AM
me: there you are
10:10 AM
Mom: can you see me now?
me: not
i can hear you
10:11 AM
you can see me typing stuff
8 minutes
10:19 AM
me: she is at work
Mom: ok
10:20 AM
me: click next to my name and select video and more
10:22 AM
Mom: hi
me: select my name and then select video and more
initiate video chat
10:23 AM
Mom: i did
me: is you camera working
5 minutes
10:28 AM
me: you still there?
Mom: yes
10:29 AM
me: did you plug it back in?
Mom: yes
me: see why i like apple products, they just work...
can you still see me
or hear me
Mom: yes, i can hear you
10:30 AM
yes, and i accepted
10:31 AM
me: good
Mom: yes
10:32 AM
10:33 AM
i can see my picture
me: is that a yes
or no
Mom: yes
10:34 AM

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