Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Google Voice, my new friend

I got a new iPhone...which is so intimidating and super trendy for me, but I will have to say that I love the Whole Foods app, which chooses healthy recipes with a clickable list to check off in the store. It makes life easier, but to counteract the new cell phone bill, we canceled our long distance phone service. This is where the technology of Google Voice comes into play. If you don't know much about it, please don't ask me to explain it. Pretty much all I need to know is it's free, you call via the computer (some sort of Internet magic), and you can get your voicemails via email and those voicemails are transcribed. The transcribing is the fun part. Sometimes I make up words when I'm leaving messages for Mark at the house just to see what Google Voice can make of it. Other times I don't try hard at all and I get equally as good results. Here is a product of Google Voice transcription that I would like to share:

Molly, Rick. O'Lincoln miss once, and cup cakes and we're home upside down.

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