Friday, October 1, 2010

"Your secretary knows what nipple clamps look like?"

Oh, I hope my darling husband doesn't make me remove this post...

A couple days ago my husband found something very suspicious on the job. See attached picture.
He asked me if I had any idea what it was.
No idea, I stated.
They're nipple clamps.
What? I replied. Who found them?
His boss did.
And that was when I laughed so hard tears rolled down my face...while trying to apologize for laughing...while I was still laughing.
Upon a random inspection of one of the cabins to check the cleanliness, nipple clamps were found in a chair that was supposed to be cleaned out after each visitor.
And Mona knew what they were, he said.
Your secretary knows what nipple clamps look like?
And yet again I began to laugh.
His secretary is a small town woman in her 40's.
Apparently golfers and secretaries make good use of nipple clamps.


  1. omg that is disgustingly funny!!

  2. Fortunately for the upper or lower hose clamps radiator hose which hold pressure this screw type is not the best.
